IFAD 13th Replenishment

    Replenishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

    "At its forty-sixth session in February 2023, IFAD’s Governing Council established the Consultation on the Thirteenth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources (IFAD13). The Council requested that the Consultation submit a report on the results of its deliberations to the forty-seventh session in February 2024. Representatives of IFAD’s Member States met during 2023, and at the fourth session of the IFAD13 Consultation, co-hosted in Paris by the Governments of Angola and France, on 14- 15 December 2023, finalized and endorsed this report for submission to the Governing Council."

    "IFAD13 will aim to deliver a PoW of at least US $10 billion and generate a significant impact for over 100 million poor rural people. This can be achieved with US $2 billion in new replenishment financing (including core contributions, core additional climate contributions ([ACCs]) and concessional partner loans from Member States), enabling IFAD to deliver nearly US $4 billion in new IFAD financing, and mobilize a further US$6 billion in domestic and international cofinancing – a strong return on investment for Member States."